Mouth Guards: Types and Advantages

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mouth guards types and advantages

Mouthguards or mouth protectors are devices that are usually worn over teeth when practicing sports and other activities to protect them from potential damage. Everyone should wear mouth guards whenever they’re performing any activity that may put them at risk for dental injuries, but especially those with anterior bridges and braces should pay attention to this recommendation.

What makes mouth guards so important is their ability to buffer any impact on the mouth. This prevents damaging your teeth, braces, fixed appliances, and the soft tissue surrounding them. By being a physical barrier between these structures and your tongue, cheeks, and lips, they protect you from injuries.

Types of Mouth Guards

There’s a difference between each type of mouth guard worn. If you’re looking for mouth guards in Edina consider that the type can determine the performance of the device.

  • Custom-fitted: These tend to be a little costlier, but they will also have a better fit, more comfort, and better performance than other types. The reason why they are higher in quality and protect your teeth to a higher degree is that they are custom-made to fit your teeth perfectly. If you want them, you will have to visit a dentist near you for an impression of your mouth. This impression is a mold of your teeth that is later sent to the dental lab, which will create your mouthguard.
  • Boil and bite mouth protectors or shell liners: A boil and bite is a type of thermoplastic structure that is placed in boiling water. The mouth guard is formed to fit the shape and contours of your mouth by biting down and applying pressure. They can also be reheated if they need to be refitted. On the other hand, shell liners are mouth guards lined with rubber or acrylic gel that also molds to your teeth and retains their shape. Both can be a more affordable option to custom-fitted but they can be uncomfortable to use and don’t provide the same level of protection.
  • Stock mouthguards: This is overall the more affordable option of the three. They’re widely available for purchase and you can find them in drug stores and sporting goods businesses. If you need a mouth guard immediately, they can be useful as you won’t have to visit a dental office in Edina or wait for them to set. They are usually performed and made out of polyvinyl and rubber. However, they offer the worst fit, which can increase discomfort, gag reflex along with breathing, and talking difficulties when wearing them since they can only be kept in place by shutting your mouth.

When should you wear them?

Any person that performs sports or activities that increase their risk for dental injuries such as bruxism, should wear a mouthguard. Currently, the American Dental Association recommends the use of mouth guards for 29 sports and activities. Among them are football, ice hockey, lacrosse, field hockey gymnastics, racquetball, handball, water polo, martial arts, handball, soccer, skateboarding, skydiving, skiing, acrobatics, basketball, discus throwing, surfing, volleyball, boxing, wrestling, and weightlifting. So if you practice any of these sports or activities, it’s time for you to look into obtaining mouth guards near you.

What are some of the advantages?

Prevention is key when talking about dental injuries and other serious accidents. Mouth guards can not only save your smile and protect your teeth but they can also save your life. Not many people are aware but mouth guards also offer protection against concussions, serious neck injuries, and even brain hemorrhages by preventing jamming of the lower jaw into the upper jaw or the base of the skull. Therefore, regardless of appearance and comfort, they are essential to your safety. Protect your smile and your life—schedule your custom mouth guard fitting today!