Resin Veneers vs. Porcelain: Which is the Right Choice for Your Smile?

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resin veneers vs. porcelain which is the right choice for your smile

Making the decision to have dental veneers implanted is the first step toward achieving the attractive smile you’ve always wanted and better teeth. The second is deciding what material to use.

The two materials that are most frequently used in the manufacturing of veneers are porcelain and composite resin. When used by a skilled cosmetic dentist in Edina, both materials have the power to dramatically improve your smile. It all depends on your requirements. 

Why Composite Resin Veneers Could Be For You

The primary benefit of composite veneers over porcelain is their cost, since porcelain veneers are twice as expensive as composites. Traditional veneers range in amount from $1,000 to $2,500, while composites are typically between $400 and $2,000 per tooth. This adds up rapidly when it comes to grin makeovers.

Composite veneers in Edina can usually be made while you wait, allowing for same-day treatment. Rather than being created in an offsite lab, direct composite veneers, also known as composite bonding, are molded directly on your teeth. The resin material that is used is designed to mimic the appearance of your natural smile. High-intensity light is then used to cure the molded resin. Subsequent layers of resin may then be added as necessary to achieve the desired aesthetic result. To give the resin a more realistic look, polishing is required after all of the steps have been completed. Therefore, the composite process typically takes substantially less time and is far less invasive than acquiring traditional porcelain veneers.

Reversibility is another great benefit that composite veneers offer to patients. Your natural teeth must lose some of their enamel in order for porcelain shells to be attached. When it comes to composites, your natural teeth just need to be somewhat prepared; that is, they are not irreversibly changed to the point where the composite material cannot be taken out and replaced as needed.

Reasons to Consider Getting Porcelain Veneers

While composite veneers offer many benefits, they fall short of porcelain in one crucial area: durability. Despite advancements in resin compositions over the last several years, porcelain remains a far tougher material. Composite veneers typically last 5-7 years; well-maintained porcelain veneers can last up to 15 years. It’s crucial to take this trade-off into account if you’re considering veneer placement. In other words, composites last half as long as porcelain but may cost half as much.

The majority of dentists near you concur that porcelain veneers provide the most natural aesthetic for patients. The translucent nature of porcelain is quite similar to that of ordinary dental enamel. Additionally, because of its strength and the coating that is placed following treatment, these shells are also very good at warding off stains and don’t chip easily. And, unlike composite resin veneers which are more porous and more likely to absorb stains, you don’t need to change what you eat. 

Obtain Your Dream Smile! Contact 44th Street Dental 

The only way to really know if a porcelain or composite veneer is the best option for you is to discuss your aesthetic objectives and personal preferences with your dentist. 

A treatment plan for composite veneers near you will probably be a suitable fit if you’re searching for the most affordable option. Porcelain veneers, however, will provide an excellent outcome if you have a serious aesthetic concern or if you’re searching for the most natural and long-lasting treatment option.

Whichever material you ultimately decide on, you can be sure that it will significantly improve your smile. Our team is here to ensure that you leave our clinic feeling confident and ready to show off your beautiful new smile. 

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